Image data processing; Picture of cat as analyzed in contrast and pigmentation and represented in different levels of abstraction. The patterns (here; squares, different direction lines and points) can be drawn and changed by the user. The outer rectangle is the limit of the laser cutting machine.

Starting this study, my only knowledge in this expertise area was working in SQL. In my last year programming has become a major skill. Especially my time working with Processing and Arduino has proven valuable to understand applications of data, math and computing.

It has also become part of my realizing my vision. Data is more and more presented as a product, but remains in the domain of the software engineers. I want to embody data in subtle ways; weave digital environments in our physical peripheries. In the near future I am going to further explore how I can use our body as part of a digital system.


In the first year I got proper grades for Calculus, Modeling and Physics and I developed an interest in mathematics, especially geometry. The course Creative coding introduced me a way of using math in actual applications. In my FBP I entered the domain of mobile application development and used the phones sensor values as input for vector math; I created functions to give users intuitive control, for example increasing volume with acceleration. Furthermore, programming fits my self-directed way of learning through experimenting, failing and analyzing, where open source platforms, such as GitHub, enable me to examine complex work of others and share my issues and creations.


In Technologies for Connectivity I designed a shared system for an escape room with actuator and sensor modules of mine and other groups. Collaborating forced me to explain my code to teams with less MD&C experience. This pushed me to understand the code in its abstract structures, make it readable and consider possible changes (make it modular!).


In Digital Craftsmanship I developed a side product to Humanoid Bag: the code itself was practically a finished product, ready to be used by others. I used image processing in Processing and P5 to make a visual abstraction of image data. The code is structured in modules; next to your image, the image processing itself is customizable. The input analyzation(in e.g. pigments, grey values, contrast) and the visualization in shapes includes a function to draw new vectors and instantly transform the image. The output is a scalable vector graphic (.svg), ready to be laser cut and engraved. Automating the analysis of the quantitative data allows for hands on experimenting with the output. Modular structures  allow for an iterative and explorative coding process; ideating and realizing.


As visual thinker, image processing and generative coding have my interest as a way to communicate concepts. In the future I will continue creating open-ended code with modular structures, as a way to share not just my thoughts, but invite others to try and experiment with my code, as if a product.