Overview of the Design-Based Research approach.
I prefer a process similar to a design research process. The ‘Design-based research’ process (Reeves, 2006) [1] allows me to design within an academic context and validate a concept from a theoretical perspective, while exploring and evaluating its realization with users and experts. This allows me to sharpen how a concept is realized later on in the process and develop my own design principles regarding the bigger issue.
My finding and defining design principles at the hand of a user context, in Muziekmagneet I managed to identify a new issue and propose a unique design solution that builds on the existing research of e.g. Hiroshi Ishii [2] and Michael Cohen[3], and adds something new.
Especially when working alone, I tend to get side-tracked in exploring the possibilities of a new skill. In Hearhear I got absorbed by coding to the point where I failed to find a contextual purpose for what I made. The real issue was that I lost control over my process. In the semester after, I actively involved people from the start of the process. Simply talking to users and experts forced me to clarify and reflect on my previous decisions and define my goals. This kept the process going and kept me motivated.
All projects I have done over the years I contributed to experience in this competency, but my B2.2 research project and the courses Design Ethnography, Design with and for multiple Stakeholders and Digital Craftsmanship have especially contributed to my development by experiencing design processes specific to their area of design.
[1] Reeves, T.C. (2006). Design research from the technology perspective. In J.V. Akker, K. Gravemeijer, S. McKenney, & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research (pp.86-109). London: Routledge
[2] Ishii, Hiroshi. (2019). SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award Talk: Making Digital Tangible. CHI’19 Extended Abstracts, May 4-9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
[3] Cohen, Michael. (1993). Throwing, Pitching and Catching Sound: Audio Windowing Models and Modes.. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 39. 269-304. 10.1006/imms.1993.1062.